Trip location: Phi Phi islands Koh Bida nok Palong wall Koh doc Mai
Number of divers: 19
Number of snorkelers: 1
Water temperature: 27degrees Celsius
Underwater visibility: Koh bida nok 20m ,Palong wall 10m ,Koh doc Mai 15m
Weather conditions: hot and sunny
Surface conditions: calm flat
Dive details and points of interest
dive 1 today at koh bida nok we saw schools ofgiant trevelly cornet
fish and barricuda hunting glass fish on the wall part of the dive and
also a turtle spotted in the bay by two of the dive groups.
2nd Dive at palongs wall was all about the black tip reef sharks
olivers group saw 7 my group saw only 2 when ever I'm at Palongs wall
I'm on shark mission and rarely I don't see one.The third dive today
the viability at Koh doc Mai was the best I've seen it for a while Its
always a good dive for macro i found 7 java pipefish 2 tiger tail
seahorses some really colourful nudi branches and a bamboo shark
sleeping under his usual ledge.
Costumers who have passed a course 0